First post of 2016! Just a quick post about how I measure sequence total, sequence length distribution, and assembly quality (when it’s
important). I wrote a python script that handles both fastas and fastqs to report a variety of metrics.
Here’s my code:
'''USAGE: seqFile
This script calculates various statistics about the provided fasta or fastq file.
import sys
import os
# This function reads in fasta file, appends the length of each sequence to a list, and counts all Gs & Cs.
# It returns a sorted list of sequence lengths with the G+C total as the last element.
def readFasta ( FastaFile ):
tempseq = ''
GC_count = 0
N_count = 0
lenList = []
for line in FastaFile :
if line . startswith ( '>' ):
lenList . append ( len ( tempseq ))
GC_count = GC_count + tempseq . count ( 'C' ) + tempseq . count ( 'c' ) + tempseq . count ( 'G' ) + tempseq . count ( 'g' )
N_count = N_count + tempseq . count ( 'N' ) + tempseq . count ( 'n' )
tempseq = ''
else :
tempseq = tempseq + line . strip ()
lenList . append ( len ( tempseq ))
lenList . remove ( 0 )
lenList . sort ()
lenList . append ( GC_count )
lenList . append ( N_count )
FastaFile . close ()
return lenList
# This function reads in fastq files and returns all sequence lengths in a list
def readFastq ( FastqFile ):
GC_count = 0
N_count = 0
lenList = []
line_count = 3
for line in FastqFile :
line_count += 1
if line_count == 5 :
seq = line . strip ()
lenList . append ( len ( seq ))
GC_count = GC_count + seq . count ( 'C' ) + seq . count ( 'c' ) + seq . count ( 'G' ) + seq . count ( 'g' )
N_count = N_count + seq . count ( 'N' ) + seq . count ( 'n' )
line_count = 1
else :
lenList . sort ()
lenList . append ( GC_count )
lenList . append ( N_count )
FastqFile . close ()
return lenList
# This function calculates and returns all the printed statistics.
def calcStats ( lengths ):
Ns = lengths [ - 1 ]
del lengths [ - 1 ]
GCs = lengths [ - 1 ] # extract saved GC count
del lengths [ - 1 ]
total_seq = len ( lengths ) # Total number of sequences
len_sum = sum ( lengths ) # Total number of residues
total_Mb = len_sum / 1000000.00 # Total number of residues expressed in Megabases
GC_content = ( float ( GCs ) / float ( len_sum )) * 100 # GC content as a percent of total residues
# interquartile range
if total_seq >= 4 :
median_len = lengths [ int ( round ( total_seq / 2 ))] # Median sequence length
q1_range = lengths [ 0 :( int ( total_seq / 2 ) - 1 )]
q1 = q1_range [ int ( len ( q1_range ) / 2 )]
q3_range = lengths [( int ( total_seq / 2 ) + 1 ): - 1 ]
q3 = q3_range [ int ( len ( q3_range ) / 2 )]
iqr = int ( q3 - q1 )
else :
iqr = 'Too few sequences to calculate'
median_len = 'Too few sequences to calculate'
#n50 calculation loop
current_bases = 0
n50 = 0
n90 = 0
seqs_1000 = 0
seqs_5000 = 0
percent50_bases = int ( round ( len_sum * 0.5 ))
percent90_bases = int ( round ( len_sum * 0.1 ))
for object in lengths :
current_bases += object
if object > 1000 :
seqs_1000 += 1
if object > 5000 :
seqs_5000 += 1
if current_bases >= percent50_bases and n50 == 0 :
n50 = object
if current_bases >= percent90_bases and n90 == 0 :
n90 = object
if total_seq < 4 :
n50 = 'Too few sequences to calculate'
n90 = 'Too few sequences to calculate'
l50 = 'Too few sequences to calculate'
else :
l50 = lengths . count ( n50 )
return ( total_seq , total_Mb , n50 , median_len , iqr , GC_content , n90 , seqs_1000 , seqs_5000 , Ns , l50 )
if os . stat ( str ( sys . argv [ 1 ])). st_size == 0 :
print ( 'ERROR: Empty input file.' )
sys . exit ()
fasta_suffix = [ 'fasta' , 'fa' , 'fna' , 'faa' , 'ffn' , 'frn' ]
fastq_suffix = [ 'fastq' , 'fq' ]
file_suffix = str ( sys . argv [ 1 ]). split ( '.' )[ - 1 ]
if file_suffix in fasta_suffix :
file_type = 'Fasta'
seq_lengths = readFasta ( open ( sys . argv [ 1 ], 'r' ))
elif file_suffix in fastq_suffix :
file_type = 'Fastq'
seq_lengths = readFastq ( open ( sys . argv [ 1 ], 'r' ))
else :
print ( 'ERROR: Invalid file format provided.' )
sys . exit ()
stat_list = calcStats ( seq_lengths )
output_string = """# Input file name: {filename}
# File type: {filetype}
# Total sequences: {total_seq}
# Total bases: {total_mb} Mb
# Sequence N50: {n50}
# Sequence L50: {l50}
# Sequence N90: {n90}
# Median sequence length: {median_len}
# Interquartile range: {iqr}
# Shortest sequence length: {short}
# Longest sequence length: {long}
# Sequences > 1 kb: {seqs_1000}
# Sequences > 5 kb: {seqs_5000}
# G-C content: {gc}%
# Ns included: {ns}
""" . format ( filename = str ( sys . argv [ 1 ]). split ( '/' )[ - 1 ], filetype = file_type , total_seq = stat_list [ 0 ], total_mb = "%.2f" % stat_list [ 1 ], n50 = stat_list [ 2 ], median_len = stat_list [ 3 ], iqr = stat_list [ 4 ], short = seq_lengths [ 0 ], long = seq_lengths [ - 1 ], gc = "%.2f" % stat_list [ 5 ], n90 = stat_list [ 6 ], seqs_1000 = stat_list [ 7 ], seqs_5000 = stat_list [ 8 ], ns = stat_list [ 9 ], l50 = stat_list [ 10 ])
print output_string
Output is printed to the terminal and appears like this:
# Input file name: example.fasta
# File type: Fasta
# Total sequences: 2362551
# Total bases: 1462.60 Mb
# Sequence N50: 682
# Sequence L50: 2575
# Sequence N90: 394
# Median sequence length: 532
# Interquartile range: 331
# Shortest sequence length: 251
# Longest sequence length: 190893
# Sequences > 1 kb: 260467
# Sequences > 5 kb: 632
# G-C content: 42.76%
# Ns included: 0
Pretty straight forward, but I haven’t found any others like it that give all of these stats together. It makes read
QC and evaluating assemblies a lot more convenient. So if you like it, give it a try! I’ve also made a Github repo
for the scripts I use in this blog and linked it on the resources page.